The Voice of Dr. Yan

The Voice of Dr. Yan

Latest Episodes

It’s no longer a coverup! PLA’s 093-417 nuclear submarine accident in Yellow Sea
June 28, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan As I have emphasized before, there was no explosion or serious damage to the accidental submarine. On Aug 21, 2023, 55 PLA Navy crews died in the cabinet of t

Xi-CCP’s new policies threaten international monetary system
June 22, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Carry out a program to remove the American element from whole supply chains, eliminate American brands, stop purchasing American agricultural produce and high

Exclusive! Xi-CCP’s secret policies targeting its precarious economy and US investments
June 15, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Based on classified information from our sources, I have revealed and briefly explained 9 of the 15 new policies targeting the domestic economy and the US dol

A new lethal Ebola-like virus made by CCP’s bioweapon experts
June 11, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan By analyzing the study, the hidden information demonstrates that the Ebola-like virus from China is definitely a new gain-of-function product of CCP-PLAs bio

A big slap in the face for the shameless Xi-CCP regime and its lackeys
June 09, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Interestingly, after I described the CCPs failure and tactics via How Xi-CCP Regime Failed To Hunt Me Using Lawsuits in the US, the CCP tried to save face v

CCP’s secret report of the serious accident caused by T59G tank in Bangladesh
May 15, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan The newly delivered T-59 modified tanks (T-59G) to Bangladesh were tested in Chattogram for target shooting, resulting in casualties on May 5. The Chinese tea

The Congressional Hearing with Peter Daszak and CCP’s manipulation of WHO
May 09, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Dr. Daszaks performance and his tactics include both blatantly lying and deliberately misleading before Congress. I will analyze the key points and his trick

The bloody and hypocritical Communist China in economic freefall
May 03, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Mosher had extensive knowledge about the brutal and hypocritical CCP regime. For example, in the article above, he wrote: You know its over when Chinas of

CCP’s covert role behind Iran’s strikes toward Israel
April 26, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan After Iran launched more than 320 warheads toward Israel, Chinas foreign ministry published a statement calling for the immediate implementation of a U.N. ce

Exclusive! Xi Jinping’s classified meeting confirms that Biden is weak and China will take Taiwan
April 18, 2024

Dr. Li-Meng Yan w/ The Voice of Dr. Yan Xi: Do not be so afraid of war. The old guy Bi (= Joe Biden) made it very clear that there will be no hot war between the nuclear States. If there is a hot wa
