DrupalEasy Podcast
DrupalEasy Podcast 123: It’s Got Berdir
Alex Pott (alexpott), Cathy Theys (YesCT), and Jozef Toth (mogdesign) join Ted Bowman and Mike Anello to solve all of the Drupal’s community funding problems - or at least to dream about a solution. Alex is one of the Drupal 8 core committers and has successfully used Gittip and other means to be able to raise enough money to work on Drupal 8 full-time. Cathy has successfully found multiple sponsors to support her work in the community (mainly on Drupal 8) and Jozef is co-founder of Drupalfund, a web site where Drupal developers can post projects and request sponsors (think Kickstarter for Drupal). As if that wasn’t enough, we also have picks of the week (including a pick-of-the-week cage match between Ted and Mike) and our 5 (more like 11) questions.