Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

The Practice Log – The Daily Fill #42

June 26, 2017

What's going on today?
As we transition into the Final few days of Pro I am taking some time to focus on that practice log I talked about last week. We are a few days out from month 3 of Promotions for Drummers I Like kicking in and with my involvement being so heavy this time around I really wanted to fill everyone in on what I'm doing to be prepared

A few points We cover: 

* I break down some specifics involving my daily practice log.
* I speak specifically on my first week and the approach I took.
* I fill everyone in on some of the specifics involving Month 3 of Pro.
* I announce another winner from our weekend crop of Facebook likers!

That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode!
- Richard
Daily Music (heard in intro/outro):
Andre Nikatina - I'm a Pisces
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