Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

The Solo Pyramid Scheme -The Daily Fill #41

June 22, 2017

What's going on today?
It's week 4 and the FINALE of Tim Buell's Subdivision pyramid. This week we are getting into my favorite part... SOLOING!! Have you ever been curious about Solo's and what it takes to write one of your own? Look No further as Tim gives it to us RAW this week! Enjoy an expert from this week's session today on the Daily Fill!

A few points We cover: 

* Tim talks soloing over the rhythmic phrase as he brings in some interesting concepts from the pro’s
* We talk about getting the listeners engaged with the solo musically
* We get into what you can do to break this all into an easy practice regimen

That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode!
- Richard
Daily Music (heard in intro/outro):
The Architects - New Found Glory - Hit or miss
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