Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Pack Mentality – The Daily Fill #37

June 13, 2017

The Daily Quote:
Some guy: “Good work is hard to find"

What's going on today?
I am on the hunt for some seriously bad ass interns and I will stop at nothing to find my crew of conquerors.

A few points I cover: 

I get into details regarding my past of bringing on interns.
I give some examples of failed opportunities.
I explain how I make this whole thing work.
I don't shut up about the intern program.

I am looking for good help people so help me help you so we can help all of us ;)

That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode!
- Richard
Daily Music (heard in intro/outro):
Circle of Contempt - Zerohour
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