Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Mental Fortitude – The Daily Fill #36

June 12, 2017

The Daily Quote:
Tim Ferriss: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

What's going on today?
After a big week of talking everything from social media to the daily grind to time management, I wanted to bring us all full circle and break down the mental endurance that comes along with making it happen. Forwarning... I do not sugarcoat this one by any means.

A few points I cover: 

How I strategize in a way that satisfies everyone around me.
the mental dissonance I am consistently faced with.
How I keep my shit together.

This subject is somewhat delicate for me as I am honestly one of the most impatient, easily frustrated people ever. Let my struggles guide you...

That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode!
- Richard
Daily Music (heard in intro/outro):
The Years gone by - This time, its our time.
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