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Drum And Bass HQ Podcast : Interviews I Music I Mixes I Drum & Bass Culture Defined I DnB I Drum n B

DBHQ Episode 006 SOL (Sounds of Life) Interview

September 27, 2014

Tim Coves aka SOL (sounds of life) is a promising breakthrough producer from Western Australia. DBHQ were lucky enough you speak to Tim about his early influences, production techniques and his album still currently in production.


Weapons of Choice

Tim is  a 19 year old student at the University of Western Australia studying Geology and Management and is currently in his second year of study. He lives in suburban Perth, the capital of Western Australia. Tim has played traditional instruments from a young age including the guitar, saxophone and piano. He started producing at the start of the year and has been working on an album since then.


The music Tim has been making is heavily influenced by hip hop, chill, future beats and drum and bass music including Pendulum, Calibre, Gangstarr and Notorious B.I.G and Tupac.


Whilst Tim was in Bali at the end of 2012 he met Gus Till while he was DJing at Ku De Ta. Tim got talking to Gus Till and he explained that he produced music and DJ'd for a living and invited Tim and his brother to visit his studio the next day to see what he did.


Tim and his brother visited his studio where Gus showed them the music program "Logic" which at the time seemed was super complex to Tim. Gus also showed them some of the new music he was working and gave Tim a copy of his careers work.


Before meeting Gus Till, Tim had not considered music as a career path in life. Meeting Gus Till inspired him to pursue a newly found dream of djing and producing. When he came back to Perth, he began DJing and entered a few competitions which lead to him DJing at a Miami style pool party and also at an EMAS festival. EMAS stands for Electronic Music Appreciation Society which is a club at Tim's university that holds two big festivals a year.


The Nujabes remixes are the first songs that Tim has released under the  alias 's o l' which stands for sounds of life. The name comes from what Tim was  thinking of calling the solo album that he is currently working on 'sounds of life'.



The album is currently in its final stages of development with 14 songs completed.  Tim wants the album to represent the sounds of life. The album starts with Tim's  interpretation of chill modern music, ends with ethnic drum and bass and has something of both in between.



Tim is currently looking for vocal artists to sing on my tracks as well as a record label to release his material.


More info on SOL

SOL Soundcloud

SOL Facebook