Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain

Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain

Latest Episodes

Factors contributing to long Covid and how to reverse it with Dr Leo Galland
October 09, 2023

Dr Leo Galland, MD rejoins Dr Ruth Allan to discuss the latest research on factors contributing to long COVID and how to reverse it

A chance for happiness: I have a wound with Harald Walter Azmann
October 02, 2023

Harald joins Dr Ruth Allan to discuss his mission of creating a chance for happiness for all as part of London Mental Health week

The importance of nitric oxide in cardiovascular and cognitive health
September 25, 2023

Dr Nathan S Bryan talks about nitric oxide, why it's important, how we are depleting it and what we can do about it

The final frontier - exploring inner space to find inner peace
September 18, 2023

Calvin Correli talks about his journey from being a successful coder and entrepreneur to finding his true purpose and passion in life

The number one reason that prevents people from living the life of their dreams
September 11, 2023

Dave Bradley talks about his journey from being a professional Manchester United football player to a successful entrepreneur

Mindful Eating - how to fuel your mind with Karen Mayo
September 04, 2023

Karen Mayo discusses simple, effective changes you can take to enhance your cognitive performance through the power of food

Pause, stop and reset to optimise your mind with Simon Hedley
August 21, 2023

Simon Hedley, 'The Strategic Alchemist' joins Dr Ruth Allan on Episode 078 of her show 'Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain.' For over two decades Simon has been primarily working by referral, and often privately behind the scenes as Th

The impact of post natal depression and how to navigate through it
August 14, 2023

Pip Delamere-Wright shines the light on post natal depression and how to re-establish balance

How to achieve optimal human performance with Grayson Hart
August 07, 2023

Learn how uncovering your childhood superpower can help you achieve optimal performance in life

How to Amplify Your Redox Signalling Pathways in Your Body and Mind to Support Recovery with Jamie Thomson
May 22, 2023

Jamie Thomson discusses the power of redox signalling molecules - the missing link to optimal health