Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain

Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain

10 Simple Steps to EMPOWER CHILDREN to Become WARRIORS for Their Own Health

April 17, 2023

Dr Ruth Allan goes LIVE as a new ‘Brain Bites’ segment to her podcast ‘Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain’

In this LIVE episode, Dr Ruth draws on several guest episodes of her show ‘Brain Health: Unchaining Your Pain’ and her own experience to provide parents and carers with ten simple steps they can take to empower their children to become warriors for their health – starting with creating food warriors.


Because at present, in the USA, our children are predicted to die earlier than us due to the state of our food system – in essence, we are killing our children early.

And being a parent, Dr. Ruth is NOT ok with that.

In this episode, Dr. Ruth talks about what you can do to nurture healthier, happier, calmer kids who, rather than being victims to the toxins in the food system that is poisoning their minds and bodies, are more EMPOWERED to take back control and change the food system to one that benefits their health, rather than just the food industry.

She shares the shocking statistics that are influencing what we eat and the impact it is having on us. She discusses why it’s so important to start talking about the brain and falling in love with it, what you can do as a parent or carer personally to become ambassadors for a better brain and longer health span and life span, and how you can support your children in becoming food warriors.

We would love to know what of the ten steps you will implement in your family or your organisation – let us know! If you’d love to share your story of how these ten steps have influenced change in your family or your organisation, whether an educational institution or business, we’d love to hear from you. Register your interest to join us as a guest on the show by completing the application form on our podcast page so you can share your success story!

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