The Voice of Leadership

The Voice of Leadership

Latest Episodes

Finishing the Unfinishable
January 18, 2022

In his last speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about how each person builds part of a Temple that he or she won’t complete in his or her lifetime. Dr. King appreciated the opportunities of the

“Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide”: Larry Mandelberg Interview
January 11, 2022

Larry Mandelberg, the author of “Businesses Don’t Fail: They Commit Suicide” is a serial entrepreneur with more than 150 years of inherited business knowledge from his family’s businesses. As a consul

Abundance: Time with the Master
January 06, 2022

Too often we want to rush in and get to work doing something; however, God calls His people to first spend time sitting in His presence. Only in His presence do we first get His guidance, instructions

Abundance: Word of the Year
January 04, 2022

Dr. Karen has named 2022, the year of Abundance. The first letters of the words Vision (2020), Impact (2021), and Abundance (2022) spell “via”. We have gotten to this year via many roads and routes. I

Happy New Year’s Eve!
December 30, 2021

How are you spending New Year’s Eve? In this episode, Dr. Karen shares several suggestions for how to spend New Year’s Eve. She also says that 2020, was the year of vision, 2021, the year of impact, a

My Year in Review
December 28, 2021

Dr. Karen looks over the past year to acknowledge the many blessings for which she is thankful. She shares her Top Twelve gratitude list as well as some of the exciting changes coming to TRANSLEADERSH

Merry Christmas: The Promised Messiah
December 23, 2021

People often do not like the way God presents Himself on the earth, they reject the Messiah of God because they have pre-conceived notions about a different kind of salvation. They then miss the Chris

“Getting to Yes And“ With Bob Kulhan
December 21, 2021

Bob Kulhan, known as a master improviser, is the Founder and CEO of Business Improv and adjunct professor at Duke Fuqua School of Business and Columbia Business School. He is also the author of the bo

The Gift of Abundant Life
December 16, 2021

Every good gift that we have, we have received from God. When in thanksgiving and faith, we first give back to God what we have received, God multiplies and transforms the little into something great

The Gift of Wisdom
December 14, 2021

God leads us to places that look dangerous. When we view the journey through natural eyes, we think we shouldn’t be in those places. Yet the wisdom of God is different from the wisdom of man. Earthly