The Voice of Leadership

“Sebastian’s Song” of Hope and Healing with Michael Casaus and Naomi Natale (Episode # 389R)
Did you know that only 4% of all cancer research funds are dedicated to Children’s cancer? When parents Michael Casaus and Naomi Natale learned their then two year old son Sebastian had a rare, aggressive, and incurable Stage IV cancer they used their collective skills to create partnerships and a non-profit organization to raise funds to find treatments and a cure. They also created a community art project, “Sebastian’s Song” that has curated healing songs from around the world. Michael is The Wilderness Society’s New Mexico state director, environmental advocate, long-term non-profit leader, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow. Naomi is an award winning community artist activist and Fellow of multiple organizations including TED Global. Join Dr. Karen to hear their family and community story of Love, pain, grief, and gratitude.
Update: When we first aired this broadcast, Sebastian was 3 years old. By the grace of God and after many chemotherapy treatments, countless surgeries, recurrences of cancer, and numerous hospitalizations, Sebas, now five years old, continues to live a courageous and miraculous life. His parents Michael and Naomi escalate efforts to advocate for their son and others to find a Cure for MEC. Please continue your prayers, songs, and financial contributions.
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