The Voice of Leadership

The Voice of Leadership

Janice Bryant Howroyd: The First African-American Woman Billion Dollar Company Founder (Episode # 466)

March 05, 2024

According to American Express, Black women start businesses at six times the national average. Black women also hold more advanced degrees than any other group of women. In this episode, Dr. Karen celebrates the life and journey of Janice Bryant Howroyd, a remarkable and inspirational African-American woman who was the first to create and operate a multi-billion-dollar company.

Janice Bryant Howroyd’s parents raised her with the admonition to “Turn challenges into opportunities.” Her lifelong personal motto is “Never compromise who you are personally to become who you wish to be professionally.”

Dr. Karen shares the amazing life and accomplishments of this great innovator, and she summarizes 10 leadership lessons we can all embrace.

Go to to learn more about Janice Bryant Howroyd’s company

The post Janice Bryant Howroyd: The First African-American Woman Billion Dollar Company Founder (Episode # 466) first appeared on TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC®.
