The Voice of Leadership

The Voice of Leadership

Biblical Principles for Resolving Conflict at Work (Episode # 462)

February 06, 2024

At times we say or do things that offend other people. How can we walk in love to effectively resolve conflicts with colleagues in our workplaces? One important step towards reconciliation is to talk to the person who you offended or who offended you rather than to talk about them to others. God is the source of our strength and direction so pray to God before you do anything else. In this episode, Dr. Karen shares 7 key principles to overcome conflicts in the workplace. All of these principles require courage, respect, and humility. God’s storehouse is full of everything we need when we choose to trust Him.

Contact Dr. Karen to address workplace conflict:

The post Biblical Principles for Resolving Conflict at Work (Episode # 462) first appeared on TRANSLEADERSHIP, INC®.
