Famous at Home

Famous at Home

Latest Episodes

FAH in 5 Minutes: Win the Day
September 21, 2020

Welcome to Famous at Home in 5 Minutes, the new twice weekly podcast drop, offering practical ways to create a family of connection, celebration, and purpose. In this episode, the one way to win the day as a parent.

178. Awaking Wonder with Sally Clarkson
September 16, 2020

Have you thought about what it means to awaken wonder in your kids? To help them finish the phrase, "I wonder..."? As a pioneer in schooling from home, Sally Clarkson joins us to talk about wonder. But even more,

177. Navigating School From Home
September 10, 2020

Pretty much everyone is now schooling from home at some level. Not only that, work has also returned home. This makes for a lovely recipe of childcare issues, conflicting schedules, and marital bliss. Okay, so the latter is a bit of an exaggeration.

176. Bringing Your Child’s Heart Alive
September 02, 2020

In a follow-up to last week's conversation about being a spiritually attuned family, we talk this week about paying attention to how God is shaping your child's heart. Not only that, Josh makes a big time confession that leaves Christi speechless.

175. Being a Spiritually Attuned Family in Uncertain Times
August 27, 2020

How is your family approaching these uncertain times? Do you feel overwhelmed by schooling from home? Confused about what God might be up to right now? Figuring out what a new normal looks like for your family? In this episode,

174. Talking to Kids About Race with Dorena Williamson
August 19, 2020

Dorena Williamson joins us for a beautiful, honest, and at times, uncomfortable conversation about race. Dorena loves the power of story and writes children’s books that adults need too. She is the author of ColorFull, ThoughtFull, and GraceFull,

173: Treating Your Spouse Like an Adult
August 12, 2020

Working from home. Managing school from home. Raising little kids (especially under age three). And living on little sleep. This recipe is perfect for treating your spouse like a three-year-old. Pouting. Talking back. Ignoring. You know,

172. What God is Up To and What It Means for Your Family
August 05, 2020

We cannot pretend that life is going to get back to normal. It's not. And we believe that's a good thing, especially for families. In this episode, we talk about what we believe God is up to in this moment of history. There is an apocalypse,

171. Hearing the Voice of God with Carlos Whittaker
July 29, 2020

Carlos Whittaker tells stories in books, on stage, and on Instagram. In this episode, he tells stories about race, trauma, and talks about his new book Enter Wild. Carlos' voice in these trying times is one we all need to listen to.

170. School, Coronavirus, and Family Decisions
July 22, 2020

The upcoming school year is fast upon us and unlike any we've encountered. As parents, it can feel unsettling with all of the unknowns. You might be working from home. You may be going into work. Either way,