Famous at Home

Famous at Home

FAH #4: What Are You Hiding From?

April 25, 2022

There’s a powerful verse in Habakkuk that Christi had postered on her bedroom wall as a little girl. The verse itself, Habakkuk 2:1, talks about standing at a watchpost and positioning oneself on top of the tower to see what God has to say. This imagery is a reflection also of how we believe God calls us to stand at the watchpost of our family, our marriage, and our children, hearing what God has to say, watching for the enemies that seek to steal, kill, and destroy even the slightest bit of joy in our families. Unfortunately, all too often, when we see an enemy warring against us, already tired and exhausted from the daily grind of life, we take cover and hide.

In this episode, we discuss chapter 4 of our new book, Famous at Home. We talk about the importance of paying attention from our watchposts, and the question we’re left with after the episode is, “What are you hiding from?”

Show Notes:

Preorder the Famous at Home book!

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