Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

How to Stick to Your Commitments (Essential ENFP Advice)
November 12, 2021

How can ENFPs and INFPs stick to their commitments? How can we make our word start meaning something? This episode is all about our word, our honesty and our follow through with the things we say. If

November 10, 2021

If you often spend a whole day feeling really busy and thinking you've done a lot, and then at the end of the day you realize you actually didn't accomplish anything - this episode is for you. In this

INFP Career Checklist: 7 Things Your Perfect Job Must Have
November 05, 2021

INFPs are idealists, they tend to have high expectations when it comes to pretty much everything. In this episode, we are sharing 7 career tips for INFPs. These tips will help you find the career that

ENFP + INFP Chat: Fear, Feeling Awkward, and Clarity
November 03, 2021

If you’re an INFP, you may struggle with expressing yourself authentically and saying things you really mean. In this episode, Tara, an INFP friend of mine joined us in the conversation about fear, fe

INTJ and ENFP Chemistry In BUSINESS and in BED
November 01, 2021

The ENFP/INTJ relationship is often considered to be the 'match made in haven'. Is that really the case? In this video, I’ll tell you about three ENFP AND INTJ relationships between myself and INTJs f

October 25, 2021

Repetitive work sucks. As an ENFP I used to struggle with repetitive tasks, anything I need to do over and over again that doesn't provide a new challenge. Working with my clients, I've figured out 3

How To Know If You Settled
October 22, 2021

If you're an ENFP or INFP you probably dream big while also changing up your opinions or goals based on what people around you say, think, or feel. Us ENFPs and INFPs also really hate rejection and ca

How To Make The RIGHT Decision Every Time (For ENFPs)
October 19, 2021

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) means you, as an ENFP, are going to consider every possible option before you decide on something. It can also lead us to all kinds of indecision and trouble picking the rig

This is what can happen to any of us...
September 30, 2021

Now that we've established I've had some serious idiocy in my youth...let's consider another risk we all face whether ENFP, INFP, or INFJ... If you're an INFP, you can get your training here:  If you

Was I an Idiot?!
September 26, 2021

At one point I was a young ENFP who thought he knew everything...boy was I wrong. If you're an INFP, you can get your training here:  If you are ENFP here is a FREE training I have for you Don’t miss