Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

My Secret For Continuous Growth - DATW 232
April 02, 2019

Who do you turn to for inspiration and motivation? Who are the rolemodels that inspire you to keep going and do great things? Some of my role models may surprise you...

5 Future Proof Careers and Business Ideas - DATW 231
March 31, 2019

I've addressed what jobs are highly likely to be taken over by robots in the near future...How about careers that AI can't EVER replace?

Do NOT Pursue These Careers in 2019 - DATW 230
March 29, 2019

There's no avoiding it, artificial intelligence, robots, and automation are coming and they're going to "steal" a lot of jobs. Think twice racking up serious debt at college or sinking your savings into your business...Some careers are on their way out.

How To Start a Business (When You're Broke!) - DATW 229
March 27, 2019

How to start working for yourself if you are stuck in a crappy job, like a call centre, that pays minimum wage and drains the LIFE out of you?!

Can ENFPs EVER Stay in One Place?! - DATW 228
March 25, 2019

I suppose I am the guy to answer this question being an ENFP and having lived in 7 countries: Can ENFPs EVER stay in one place?! Here's what I think…

Productivity Tips From an ENTP Entrepreneur for ENFPs and ENTPs - DATW 227
March 21, 2019

My friend Matt joins us to share his top tips for getting more done as an ENTP entrepreneur. As many of you know, us ENFPs have the same primary function as ENTPs so this productivity advice is also really helpful for us.

INFPs, Can They Have Casual Flings?! - AskDan - DATW 226
March 19, 2019

I'm answering a question from an INFP about dating and casual flings...and I reveal a deep web of limiting beliefs and rules keeping this INFP from finding true love.

ENFP Best Workplaces & Personality Types Word of Warning - DATW 225
March 17, 2019

What kind of workplaces are more suitable for an ENFP - Huge multinational corporate companies or small consultancy companies with around 20 employees?

3 Painfully Disappointing Career Choices For ENFPs - DATW 224
March 14, 2019

I’ve spoken to 100s of ENFPs and I keep hearing these 3 careers come up...careers that sound good “in theory” but in practice can be painfully disappointing career choices for ENFPs.

How To Make Friends, Have More Fun and Be Remembered - DATW 223
March 11, 2019

Later this month I’m going to share my Beer Buddy Referral strategy...front and centre in that strategy is a focus on building real, fun, friendships that ultimately help you grow your business while adding to your happiness. In preparation for that...