Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

Why Some ENFPs Are Broke
May 16, 2019

That big evil banker did NOT deserve to be so filthy rich! As an ENFP, I'm sure I've thought or even said this many times...But what if I'm wrong?

Bad Clients For ENFPs
May 13, 2019

Us ENFPs, well, we want to help everyone. We're also optimists, so as an ENFP you're more likely to look for the good or focus on the best case and start chasing bad clients and end up with disastrous consequences...

This Type of ENFP Always Struggles
May 08, 2019

As you may have guessed, I have met A LOT of ENFPs over the years and I've noticed a pattern. The ENFP who thinks in this way I describe seems to struggle much more than others.

When ENFPs Excel (We're scared of it!)
May 06, 2019

Us ENFPs all know this is true for us on some level, that this is when an ENFP thrives and yet... We don't always do it?!

The Time Italians Laughed At Me (Free Freelancer Week)
May 02, 2019

The story I want to tell you dates back to 2013 when I was living in Italy and I was BROKE...and laughed at. Regardless of the struggle, sometimes I wish I had even more experiences like this one because it taught me a great entrepreneurial lesson.

MLMs and Building Long Term Wealth (Free Freelancer Week)
May 01, 2019

If you're a young ambitious person, an entrepreneur, or about to become one soon, you can bet there are TONS of things you should learn. But this thing will make or break your entrepreneurial career.

ENFP Entrepreneurs, How To Focus and Avoid Future Struggle? (Free Freelancer Week)
May 01, 2019

There are few bigger struggles for the ENFP than where should I focus my business? What kind of freelancing or coaching clients should I work with? What should my niche be? Who should I work with?

The Relationship Between Your Health and Your Ambition (Free Freelancer Week)
April 30, 2019

When we have really big goals, how we think about our health and energy levels and how much we value these is going to determine how successful we're going to be in our pursuits. Here's what I've been doing...

Turning Pro and Earning More as a Freelancer or Coach (Freelance Week Special - Part 3)
April 29, 2019

Are you happy being an amateur, or are you ready to commit to turning pro and growing your business to new levels?

How to Stop Dabbling, Achieve Your Goals, and Succeed in Business (Freelance Week Special - Part 2)
April 27, 2019

Whether you are a Freelancer, a Coach, a Consultant, or any kind of Entrepreneur, this episode covers issues that sabotage and destroy so many businesses. Tune in and take notes.