Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

Patch The Leaks & Double Your Brain Power
July 22, 2019

Ever feel drained before you even begin? Feeling like you're leaking energy and rarely able to give your full 100?

Why You Feel Fearful and Anxious (And How To Stop It)
July 18, 2019

We've all felt fear and anxiety at some points, especially at stressful times...You may also feel worried even if everything seems ok. Have you ever wondered WHY? 

The Right Level of Stress To Get Things Done
July 12, 2019

We often hear people complaining about how stressed they are and how they have too much on their plate. But...Is there a situation where this could be a positive thing, and how so? Can stress be positive and under which circumstances?

5 Keys To An Extraordinary Life That Most People Ignore
July 11, 2019

Want to have an AWESOME life? If you ask me, these 5 keys are NON-Negotiable. Sadly, most people and most societies as a whole don't value them...which may explain a lot about, well, most societies...

How To Make A BIG Life Change - Motivational Episode
July 10, 2019

Want to make a big life change? Whether quitting a job, ending a relationship, starting a business or moving abroad...making a big change can be terrifying...but you can do it.

The 3-Step Formula To Be Your Best Self
July 09, 2019

It is when we become our best selves that we're able to give, share, and impact in a way that can change the world. Here is my formula for becoming your best self so you're able to live up to your potential and make the changes you want in the world.

Advice For Young Ambitious Idealists (ENFPs, INFPs, INFJs and ENFJs)
July 07, 2019

If I could go back in time and share my best advice with my 20 year old ENFP self...what would I tell that young, ambitious, idealist?

Imposter Syndrome When Starting Your Business
July 05, 2019

I'm answering a question about defeating imposter syndrome when you're starting your first business or doing anything else new and scary.

INFPs, Yes, You Can Be Popular
July 03, 2019

INFPs often ask for social advice and advice for dating as an INFP. In this episode I share one of my most important bits of advice for INFPs who want to be better liked and have more dating and friendship opportunities.

5 Reasons You Should Seriously Consider Moving Abroad
July 01, 2019

While I started working for myself in Canada, I really grew my business once I was living abroad (first in Costa Rica). Rather than making things harder, I found moving abroad helped me grow my business in many unexpected ways.