Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

ENFPs, How To Stay Calm and Move Forward
November 11, 2019

What if you find yourself barely paying the bills, drowning in debt, and always frustrated, angry, or feeling hopeless?

How NOT To Get Your Dream Job
October 28, 2019

Whether or not you're an ENFP like myself, this advice is going to help you make the job application process a little less painful...plus you'll actually land the job you want.

Can You Be "Less of" an INFP? - AskDan
October 23, 2019

Are you FAILING your MBTI Type?! An INFP sent in a question about this topic and I'd like to share my own story that relates to personality psychology (mis)understandings. 

5 Tips For Feeling At Home Fast When Moving Somewhere New
October 17, 2019

This month I'm in Belgrade and wanted to share some tips for settling in and feeling at home fast when you move somewhere new.

Thoughts on ENFP Productivity, Extremism, and Health
October 07, 2019

I've been in Belgrade, Serbia for a few weeks. In the process I've been testing out some different approaches around goals, productivity, and fitness as an ENFP.

How To Be Taken Seriously as an ENFP or INFP
September 30, 2019

How amazing would it be if friends and family supported your ideas and believed you would ACTUALLY MAKE IT HAPPEN?! Learn how to create this reality for yourself in today's episode.

The Truth About INTJs
September 16, 2019

Are INTJs stuck up and boring?! For people who are new to MBTI and personality psychology, INTJ personality type is often mistaken for an ISTJ or ESTJ who...let's just say really, really like rules. So what's the real truth about INTJs? [read description]

5 Corporate Mindsets Holding You Back Working For Yourself
September 09, 2019

If you're making the transition from corporate or cubicle work to being your own boss and working for yourself you'll need to make some serious mindset shifts!

What To Do If You're Feeling Down (ENFP, INFP, INFJ, ENFJ Motivation)
September 03, 2019

This episode is for you if you're, let's just say, sometimes an as*hole to yourself. This one is for all my Idealist Brothers and Sisters, that is you ENFPs, INFPs, ENFJs, and INFJs.

Don't Make This ENFP and INFP Mistake
August 30, 2019

When I follow good ideas for a daily routine and habits like cardio exercise, planning what I need to do, and eating well I feel great and get more done...and then...I stop. I can't be the only ENFP who does this, right?!