Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

ENFPs and INFPs, This Will Always Hold You Back

November 18, 2019

If you're an ENFP or INFP and something doesn't go your way, well...things might just go downhill from there. Don't worry, I got you!

Us ENFPs and INFPs love being comfortable and we're excited when things go well, but...when they don't, we might fall into a destructive mindset.

We're idealists and we should be able to find solutions to our problems in creative ways, right? Unfortunately, this negative thinking can make us stuck and prevent us from moving forward.

Let's solve that!