The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

Jonathan Milligan Successful Author, Blogger, Speaker And Career Coach

March 27, 2015
Starting out with blogging back in 2009, Jonathan Milligan, was able to take it full-time in 2011 and has not looked back since!

Connect with Jonathan Milligan!



I am so happy to have Jonathan Milligan on my show today because as it turns out he is fan of my show before I reached out to him. When I seen on Twitter that he tweeted about an article he wrote talking about Walt Disney, which you can read by clicking here. I knew I had to reach out and try to get him on my show.

Jonathan Milligan has a decade of experience with counseling, guiding, and directing career professionals. He took all of that experience and has turned into his full-time as an author, blogger, speaker and career coach. Listen to how he made his transition from a career of trading hours for dollars to a career and lifestyle that he is not only proud of and enjoys, but is successful at!

My upcoming book Joe Pardo’s 31 Life-Changing Concepts which comes out April 6th! You can pre-order it today on Amazon, just click here!

Episode 157

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