The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

Dave Koch’s First Marathon Experience

February 06, 2015
Recounting Dave’s journey leading him to his first marathon experience and his weight loss adventure with running!

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I am so happy to have my friend Dave Koch on today to talk about his first full marathon experience! I had the privilege to run the final 10 miles of his first and my first marathon together. Crossing the finish line was a huge accomplishment for the both of us and I am excited to share his experience with all of you today.

Dave’s journey to his first marathon is a long one filled with detractors as well as friends who lifted him up and believed he could accomplish his goal. Losing weight thanks to a by chance experience of getting asked to help with his school’s track team is something he never expected of himself. Dave’s first marathon certainly won’t be his last as he plans to do a Goofy Challenge in 2016! A Goofy Challenge is ran in Disney World and is a half marathon and the next day a full marathon.

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Episode 136

The post Dave Koch’s First Marathon Experience appeared first on Dreamers Podcast.