The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

Partial Nude Photographing Was Not Lucky Rabbit Photography’s Intention

December 08, 2014
Stephanie Malloy has grown Lucky Rabbit Photography out of uncertainty at first, but grew confidence over time!

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Stephanie Malloy, owner of Lucky Rabbit Photography, grew up with roots in photography that she really didn’t bring out until high school year book. Getting a job working at her local Sears photography department was not enough for her because she wanted to think outside of the box. Something that was not welcomed at a traditional photo studio. She would go on to start photographing weddings on the side, and eventually making the jump to partial nudes.

Stephanie was unsure of what she was getting into, but with a little time she has grown a name in shooting nude and partial nude models! Lucky Rabbit Photography takes some amazing photographs and I recommend you checking out her work on Facebook!

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