The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

Audio Entrepreneur Started His First Company At Age 14!

December 01, 2014
Alex Olegnowicz is an audio entrepreneur who has been up for challenges since he was little, and continues even today!

Connect with Alex Olegnowicz! 


Even after leaving his home country of Mexico to head to Canada to take his audio entrepreneur skills to Toronto, which is the Hollywood of Canada. Alex Olegnowicz, decided to sell his company after becoming successful in Toronto, and start up a new business in Brazil. This of course posed all kinds of new challenges for Alex. But he has never been one to turn away from challenges. Being an audio entrepreneur, he now had to learn Portuguese to be able to conduct business in Brazil. Not to mention the fact that he was an unknown down there and had to start all over again. Again, putting his audio entrepreneur skills to the test as well as his adaptability skills. Going from struggling when he arrived in Canada to being successful back to putting himself back in a situation where every decision counts to the fullest.

Alex and I had a great conversation before and after the interview. Listening back to this episode, there is so much to pull from. I really hope you all enjoy it!

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