The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

“Grow Up Not Out” - Plus 2 Comedy’s Noah Houlihan

September 22, 2014
Noah’s love for comedy has taken him far, but selling batteries to people at Radio Shack is what he is most noticed for!

Noah, of Plus 2 Comedy, grew up with an image of Dennis Leary’s No Cure For Cancer stand up comedy routine, thanks to seeing his parents watching it one night as a young kid. It would be many years before he realized what he seen that late night as a child, but it helped shape his future!

Noah would eventually go on to start up a comedy group called Plus 2 Comedy which travels to anime, comic and video game conventions to tell their “nerd” based humor. Plus 2 Comedy has found huge success, and Noah talks about some of the great stories that have taken place before, during and after a shows at conventions.

On October 25, 2014 Plus 2 Comedy will be hosting a charity event called Extra Life Day! Where Noah and his Plus 2 Comedy comrades will be playing really hard games, and have to beat them within 24 hours or donate $100 to a video game based charity for kids! I am trying to see if I can be there but I am in Wil Leman’s wedding that day (who was on episode 25 of Dreamers Podcast) so if I am able to show it will be really late at night. So watch out for me popping up on their Plus 2 Comedy feed before the event is over! 

I am so happy that Noah was able to find the time to come hang out in my studio to chat about the life of a comedian! This interview is truly hilarious and I hope you all enjoy it!

Connect with Noah!


@ plus 2 comedy

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