Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

#124 - The Woman Who Changed Her Brain & What We Can Learn From Her, with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

May 20, 2022

Last week I was fortunate to be invited to an event (in person at last!!) to hear a remarkable Canadian woman speak: Barbara Arrowsmith–Young.

Barbara is the author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain - a worldwide bestseller – which tells the incredible story of how she struggled as a child with severe learning disabilities, built herself a better brain, and started a program that has helped thousands of others do the same. 

Sound remarkable? It is!!

It was so inspiring to hear her amazing story, that I immediately asked if she would join me on my podcast so I could share that story with you this week. She said yes, and it’s such an inspiring story for you. 

Here are some of the inspiring key takeouts you'll learn:

  • How she went about finding silver linings in the darkest of clouds. Overcoming challenges - as she chased her dream. A dream that to most of us sounds simple - that one-day learning would be easier for her. And what we can all learn from that.
  • How we can shape and increase the capacity of our own brains.
  • How curiosity, determination and a will to make a dream come true can help us overcome the most challenging of problems.
  • How Barbara jumped into the driver's seat of her own life after her Dad told her, “It’s your responsibility to go out and find a solution”.
  • How life-changing it can be if you follow this advice... “If the rest of the world tells you that you can’t do it, don’t listen.
  • How anyone experiencing self-doubt should forget about trying to get rid of it, and instead set about harnessing it's power.
  • How valuable meditation is for creating calm and developing a growth mindset…
  • How important it is to surround yourself with positive people who encourage and support you.


So, if you want to be inspired to overcome your own challenges and you’re interested in fascinating insights into how you can change your own brain, enjoy taking a front row seat on my conversation with Barbara. It’s truly inspiring. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think so please let me know in the comments below... or in my Podcast Facebook Group here.

And remember, it’s great to have these insights but the important thing is to move from inspiration to action - and to put your insights into practice.

So try to take a minute to reflect on what you’ve heard - makes notes in your journal - and decide what actions you’re going to take as a result.

...and if you need a beautiful journal to capture life learnings, have a look here for one you love, that you can personalise with your name on the front cover.

And please, let me know in the comments below or in my Podcast Facebook Group how you feel about the episode, what you'll put into practice as a result ...and then come back to let us know how it goes, so we can all learn from and be inspired by each other.

Dream Big!



Dream Life Founder  

PS: Talking about finding silver linings in challenges, I've had my own share of those lately (I think we all do!) and I will tell you more about that in the future, but I now have a specific journal for all my silver linings ‘when life gives you lemons’. Because when life gives us lemons, let’s make lemonade together!   b484357797d68fac2c18f667248ccfeb7c7e356e0c1f59e0f88bac4a69dd5e9a_240x240.jpg?v=1652230110







My dream is to inspire and empower 101 million people around the world, just like you, to write down three dreams, and go chase them!