Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

#108 – Dreaming is Amazing. But Doing is Where the Magic Happens. Anne Weir

January 20, 2022

Anne Weir nearly didn’t give herself permission to dream. 

After a problematic first year of her son’s life, Anne was considering not going to the Dream Life Masterclassshe’d been invited along to. She didn’t want to leave him for the night. But, something pulled at her to go… perhaps a dream waiting to be discovered?

In this episode you’ll hear this wonderful story of an every-day person discovering and then chasing and achieving her dreams.

It’s a beautiful example of how taking time to dream could also bring you what you want in your life – and I’m so grateful to have played a small part in inspiring Anne.

Enjoy this beautiful episode.

…and if you want to follow in Anne’s footsteps and discover your own dreams, I'm hosting a FREE live online workshop next week where I’ll be guiding hundreds of people from around the world through dreaming exercises including the one Anne used to discover and make her dream happen.

The workshop is focussed on How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever - which is a great place to start. Hundreds turned up last week to the first one and the feedback was amazing. 

Next dates are:

·      Thursday the 27th of January - 8pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) 

·      Sunday the 30th of January 10am AEDT 

Click here to register.

And if you’re ready to really get work on your Dream Life - discovering & chasing your dreams - then enrolling in my Dream Life Digital Course could be the right place to start. 

I only open it a few times a year so I have time to work with and support all of the people who enrol - and the results people have been getting from the course are truly inspiring.

Find out more by clicking here.

It's a new year and it feels like we have plenty of time but before we know it, this year will be over and we want to make sure we make the most of this year and get going now. I truly believe the most important project we can work on is on ourselves.



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  • …and if you’re new to my podcast, and are looking for a world of inspiration, be sure to check out my previous episodes of Your Dream Life podcast.
  • …please help up spread this inspiring message to even more people by sharing our podcast on social media with the hashtag #101milliondreamers 
  • …and why not join the discussions with like-minded people about the podcast happening in my Facebook Podcast Community here




My dream is to inspire and empower 101 million people around the world, just like you, to write down three dreams, and go chase them!