Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL057: Intimidated Jury–Somebody's Stooge

December 25, 2015

Just the stooge:
The District Attorney and his secretary are talking about the case and they are quite satisfied that they have enough evidence to convict Mr. Taylor of jury tampering. It looks like Mrs. Clark was right. The jurors had been manipulated into voting ‘not guilty’ out of fear of blackmail. And they all said the blackmailer was Taylor. The D.A., however, is quite sure that Taylor is just a stooge — a puppet being manipulated by someone above him.
So who is the kingpin?
His secretary ponders this for a moment and concludes that the D.A. must be implying that Mr. Stanley is the kingpin pulling strings behind the scenes. The D.A. isn't so sure about that, but somebody has got to be behind it. The D.A. wants to question Taylor again to find out who he’s working for — who the kingpin is.
Let's make a deal:
It's much more important to catch the kingpin than the stooge he's manipulating. The D.A. might even be thinking of offering Taylor a deal — like, "Tell us who you're working for, and we'll lighten your punishment."
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Let’s talk about it!
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