Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL049: Archie, Bankrupt 5

October 15, 2015

At a Time Like This
Fred arrives back home with the party food. Of course, he has quite a story to tell his wife… and she has a new turn of events to tell him about, too. From this point on, a series of events take place that tell Fred and Mary something is wrong. Their lives seem to fall apart right before their eyes. Their friends, neighbors, and business associates are seeing them differently. Their perception of the Andrew’s has changed for the worse. It’s quite shocking, and Fred doesn’t know how to manage his face, his “presentation of self” because he doesn’t know where these ideas are coming from, what others’ changed impression of him is based on.
We don’t want to bother you…
First, the Jenkins back out of the social engagement — the Scrabble game get-together at the Andrews. After all, if someone can’t afford to put food on the table, then they can’t afford to splash money around on guest, right?
But can you deliver?
When J. P. Anderson hears the rumor of Andrews financial ruin, he immediately backs out of a business deal. He’s made up his mind quite quickly so that
Alms for the poor!
After all the damage she has done in spreading the rumor, Betty takes the initiative to collect money for the Andrews. She brings it to them with emotions expressing deep pity.
Go on welfare!
Although the solution isn’t quite legit, Jughead uses his connections to pave the way for Fred to get a weekly welfare check from the government. I guess every bit helps… if you’re willing to be unethical.
Get a job
Mr. Lodge accompanies Archie and offers Fred a job. This is Archie’s best solution as his dad won’t have to swallow his pride so much if he’s still earning a living.
Key Words:
You can review these words on Quizlet with English-Chinese flashcards and games at http://www.dramaticlistening.com/quizlet     
Study key words with definitions and example sentences at http://www.dramaticlistening.com/dl049
What do you think?
What do you do when an embarrassing rumor is going around about you? Do you try to clear it up, or do you just ignore it? When it comes back to you, you can’t really ignore it anymore.
Still unaware of how it all started, Fred knows it has affected his business, his social life, and it has put pressure on his closest friends to do something to help. What do you think? Does Fred need to clear it up? How can he get everyone to believe him and not just think he’s too proud to accept help? Please comment below.