Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL045 Announcement

July 02, 2015

I'll be back!
Today I just want to let you, my faithful listener, know that I will be back. I haven't posted any new episodes for a long time. It wasn't my intention to abandon you, but life got very busy. Now I'm taking a much needed break. Please stick with me, stay subscribed in your podcast app, or keep checking in at Dramatic Listening,com. I plan to start posting again in mid to late August.
Bonus Material now easy to get!I also want to let you in on a new update. The Podcast Source, an app by Wizzard Media, plays most of the podcasts hosted on Libsyn, and Dramatic Listening is one of them. The app and the podcasts have all been Free since mid April of this year, but some of you still had a hard time getting it for your Android phones because you didn't have an Amazon account. Now I'm happy to tell you it is also available on Google Play and Windows App Store. If u subscribe to DL for free through this app, the Podcast Source, you will get a Bonus PDF, the radio play transcript and wordlist, with every episode. And at the end of every radio play, you can listen to the whole radio play in one MP3 file so that you can review it as a complete story. So the good news is, this bonus material is much easier to get than it used to be. Check the app stores for The Podcast Source!