Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL040: Interview with a stuntman

February 19, 2015

Not much to go on
Marlowe is on a mission. He has agreed to protect Adrienne Granville from whatever it is that is threatening her. In order to carry out his assignment, he first of all has to find her and see what she is involved in.
Pepper Riggs Defies Death
He tracks down Pepper Riggs, the boyfriend. Pepper has moved on from racing dirt bikes to performing motorcycle stunts. Will he take Adrienne into his act? Maybe. Well, that could certainly be life threatening, but Marlowe is sure there is more to it than that. Otherwise, why the letter threatening her father to make her lay off Pepper Riggs? What kind of harm does someone have in store for her?
Lou Blames the Bike
In finding Pepper Riggs, Marlowe also finds Lou Bryant. He too is part of the motorcycle act on the Wall of Death. But trouble is brewing and trust is breaking. Lou seems to fear his own teammates. Has anyone got his back?
The Mechanic Blames the Girl
Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else. Lou blames his caution on the bike, but the motorcycle mechanic says he's made sure the bikes are all in tip top shape. He even checked on the bikes at 2:30 in the morning. Really, Mr Moon? What were you really doing in the motorcycle shed in the wee hours of the morning? Moon is tired of taking the blame for someone else. He points his finger at the newcomer to the group, Pepper's new girlfriend, Adrienne Granville.
Investigative Tactics
Listen to find out how Marlowe goes about following up on the little lead he had. He's persistent, observant, and resourceful. It pays off. He learns a little more, but not enough to know who to trust, who to believe.
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