Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL026: The Rocket ~ The Best-Laid Plans

May 22, 2014
A Friend Opposes His Best-Laid Plans

Fiorello Bodoni has to decide who gets to go on the rocket trip to Mars. His friend, Bramante, warns him that no one could truly be happy for the one who gets to go. If Fiorello goes, his children would always think of the rocket and become sick with desire like their father is. According to Bramante, wanting something that is so unrealistic is unhealthy. Fiorello’s wife would become bitter over it. None of his family could just be happy for the one who has the opportunity. No matter who goes to Mars — him, his wife, or one of the children — it would just result in unfulfilled dreams and bitter jealousy that would eat away at the others.

Who Qualifies?

At first, Bodoni doesn’t listen to Bramante’s warning. That means he has a big decision to make. He lays out a plan for selecting who gets to go. What qualifications must the winner have? Or should it just be left up to luck?

Drawing Straws

Fiorello begins the selection process, but then one of his own family members speaks up, voicing the fear that they are all feeling. Fiorello then sees that his best-laid plans have gone wrong.

Key Words: Go to http://www.dramaticlistening.com/dl026

 Flashcards: Go to http://www.dramaticlistening.com/quizlet