Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL036: Space Travel, Time Travel

November 21, 2014

Under Inspection
In today’s episode, Tony begins his tour of inspection. He takes Joe along, so Joe is able to explain what is happening. Joe is hoping against hope that Tony likes what he sees.
Knowledge is Power
The episode starts off with Joe trying to get Tony talking so that he can hopefully find an angle. In other words, Joe is looking for information that Tony might be willing to share, unaware of it’s significance. Knowledge is power; it just might help Joe fight back.When you listen, try to find out if Tony reveals anything of use to Joe.
Through Space and Time
They get chatting about Tony’s space travel, and how long it took him to travel to Earth. Tony also used time travel to speed up the journey.
Key Words:
Flashcards and Word Games: