Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL029: The Rocket ~ Living the Dream

July 03, 2014

Being 'In The Moment':

Fiorello Bodoni is taking his kids on a weeklong trip to Mars. They are going to be living the dream. When they get back, life will return to normal, but they will be changed. They will have experienced space travel and will have the memory of it for the rest of their lives. Fiorello wants that memory to be rich and vivid, so while they travel, it’s important that his kids to be “in the moment” — that they experience the ‘present’ with all their senses — not only with their eyes, but also with their ears and sense of smell as well.

Key Words:


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What do you think?

Fiorello hadn’t gone crazy after all. He manufactured an illusion, and he was very satisfied with his work. He had fulfilled his dream. He had lived his dream with his kids. But why was this ‘good’? Why was he happy with an imaginary trip to Mars this time, but not before? I would love to hear your thoughts on this story. Leave your ideas in the comments below the show notes at ‘www.dramaticlistening.com/DL029’.