Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL028: The Rocket ~ A Dream Revisited

June 18, 2014
Clever Innovation and Elbow Grease

In today’s episode, Fiorello Bodoni dares to dream again. And not only to dream, but to see his dream become a reality. Inspired by his original dream, he sees how he can make something of what he has. With some clever innovation (發明æ‰èƒ½ï¼‰ and 'elbow grease' (hard work), he can give his wife and kids the experience of a lifetime. He gets the necessary supplies delivered— a space suit, food packaged for space travel, but he has a lot of work ahead of him too.  His model rocket has to be transformed into a rocket that can really do something.

Go It Alone

Unfortunately, his wife has lost sight of his vision. Perhaps the problem is that he is being too secretive. He hasn't shared his new vision with her at all. How can he expect her to support him? She expects to be his partner, to have a say in the decision making.  But this time, Fiorello wants to do something special for her. He wants it to be a surprise. The beauty in what he is trying to do for his wife and kids requires their complete trust in him. The kids believe in him, but his wife thinks he's crazy.

Key Words:

A list of key words and supplementary words is available at http://www.dramaticlistening.com/DL028.

English-Chinese Flashcards:

Study the vocabulary at http://www.dramaticlistening.com/quizlet


What do you think?

Has Fiorello Bodoni gone crazy? What has he done to the rocket? Do you think it will fly? Will it be a successful and safe journey? Will they get all the way to Mars, and back again? Or does Fiorello have a death wish? Now that his dream has turned to dust, does he just want to die? If so, why is he taking his children? Is it because he’s angry with his wife and wants to take everything from her? Leave your wild guesses in the comments at http://www.dramaticlistening.com/DL028.