Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL067: The Lady Was a Tiger -- Act 3, Scenes 5-7

May 19, 2016

~ CBS Radio Mystery Theater, The Lady Was a Tiger, Act 3, Scenes 5-7 — Tying Up Loose Ends ~ Larry flirted with the idea that he might even be some sort of an American James Bond. [Jose AS Reyes: BigstockPhoto]   A Few Loose Ends: This episode wraps up the play with a few surprises. Carol is in for a surprise. She finds out how Larry hid Professor Teal’s note right under their noses. The Russian agent, Egor Smonovic, is in for a surprise too — a taste of his own medicine. Then back to Larry and Carol. When the excitement dies down, Larry has time to flirt with Carol and entertains the possibility of a new lifestyle. The New James Bond: 'Step aside, James Bond. There's a new 007.' Larry indulges in a little fantasy — perhaps he should pursue Carol. He could join her in her world of espionage. The image of himself that swept across his mind was of a confident, good-looking young man in a suit, holding a gun as if it were a fashion statement. He snaps out of it when he realizes how love for Carol is merely infatuation — like high school love. Key Words: 1. operative: (n) spy, secret agent, a person who does secret work for the government or political organization; private detective 間諜、特務 The operative met with the informant in a small café on a small street to exchange information for the promise of protection. 2. go over (sth): (phrasal verb) to search, to examine 審核 They went over the crime scene with a fine-toothed comb. 3. Geiger counter: (n) an instrument that finds and measures radiation 蓋革計數器 When they checked the nuclear power plant with a Geiger counter, they discovered high levels of radiation. 4. razor: (n) a sharp edged blade used for shaving hair from the face or body 刮鬍刀、剃刀 You need hot water, shaving cream, and a sharp razor for a close shave. 5. reseal: (v) to package sth that has been opened, making it appear unopened 再彌封、再封裝 He steamed open the envelope. Then, after reading the letter, put it back in and resealed the envelope. 6. blackmail: (v) to make someone pay repeatedly out of fear of a secret being revealed or under threat of being harmed 要挾、勒索、敲竹杠 The scoundrel, who had photos of the politician with the prostitute, blackmailed the politician. 7. Right Bank: the right side of the River Seine in Paris, the north side of the river; the Right Bank was where the city’s wealthy residents lived 右岸 Today we’re going over to the right bank to visit the Louvre museum. 8. insane: (adj) crazy, mad, to have lost one’s mind 瘋、瘋癲、發瘋、腦子進水 Are you insane? You’ll get us both caught if you do that! 9. be recalled: (v) to be called back (said of sb. who was sent out on a mission, or of a faulty product that gets called back to the factory to have a part fixed) 召回、調回、回收 The situation between the two countries was so volatile that even the ambassador was recalled. 10. bungle: (v) to mess up, to make a complete mess of sth 搞砸、弄糟、搞亂、貽誤 You really bungled this mission when you didn’t cooperate with you partner. 11. dupe: (v) to deceive or trick sb. into believing or doing sth. 騙、欺騙、瞞哄 I was duped into investing my savings in his scheme. 你被那個美國女人欺騙了。你上了美國女人的檔。 You were duped by that American woman. You fell into the American woman's trap. 12. be in charge: (BE + prep. phr.) to be the one responsible for sth. 負責; be the one running affairs 管事; He isn't the one in charge of that mission. It's not his responsibility. 那個特務活動不是他管事的,不是他的責任。 I want to talk to the manager. Who’s in charge here? 13. be hushed up: (passive phrasal verb) be silenced 被滅口 ; be gagged (fig.) 封口 ; to cover up (sth negative) 遮羞 That reporter knows too much about our activities. He needs to be hushed up. 14. the authorities: (n) those in power; sb in a higher position than the speake