Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL062: The Lady Was a Tiger—New Recruit

March 12, 2016

A femme fatale double agent frames an unemployed reporter for homicide in Paris.
Larry Fielding: Umph! Take…take my money, and leave me alone. Umph! Look, if you want money, I told you…you can have it![DMPhoto: Bigstock.com]
From Bad to Worse:
Larry Fielding, a newspaper reporter, gets fired from his job, apparently for no reason. Things go from bad to worse, but in the end he makes a new acquaintance who offers him an assignment. It looks like a good thing — the silver lining around his dark cloud. Although somewhat suspicious at first, he is persuaded to go for it.

femme fatale: (n) a very attractive woman who brings trouble to the men who get involved with her   紅顏禍水  [lit., a beautiful woman + the source of calamity] The detective had to admit she was very sexy and attractive, but fearing she was a femme fatale, he resisted getting too deeply involved. 
frame: (v) if you frame sb, you plant some evidence or in some way make it look like they committed the crime, when actually they are innocent   誣陷 The investigators found Jeff’s DNA at the crime scene, but he’d been invited there the day before. Now he realizes the friendly invitation wasn’t so friendly. He’d been framed! 
homicide: (n., adj.) the killing of a person (murder or accidental)   殺人 The homicide detective saw a motive behind the killing, so he figured it was murder. 
editor: (n) the person in charge of a newspaper or magazine who decides which stories get printed 總編輯、總編 The editor decided to print the freelance writer’s story. 
dismissal: (n) being fired from a job   解僱、免職 After his dismissal, he felt very depressed. He didn’t know where to find another job. 
tormented: (adj.) feeling physically or psychologically tortured   煎熬、折磨 He was tormented by the thought that he could have prevented her death. 
mug: (v) to rob sb., to threaten with violence so they give you their wallet攔截 、襲擊 He came home looking beaten up and told me he’d been mugged in the park. 
story: (n) (Br. ‘storey’) a level or a floor of a building, used to measure the height of a building as in an 18-story apartment building   層 I live on the tenth floor of a fifteen-story apartment building. 
scrapper: (slang) a fighter; an aggressive, feisty person who shows a readiness to fight   好打架的男子 He’s a scrapper, that one! — Always getting into fights. 
commando: a soldier specially trained to carry out surprise attacks on the enemy   突擊隊 Jack’s admired his father for being a commando in the Second World War. 
the Civil War: the war in America from 1861-1865. The Yankees (north) fought the Confederates (south) to free the black slaves.   美國南北戰爭 “Gone with the Wind” is probably the most famous Civil War movie. 
let (sb) go: fire sb from their job    解雇、 撤職   Actually, I didn’t quit…I was let go. 
put (sb) on: (v) to fool sb., to kid sb., to mislead sb. deliberately especially for amusement; (two-word verb: “on” is a particle, not a preposition, and is not followed by a noun or noun phrase)   捉弄、逗、逗弄 No way! You’re putting me on! I don’t believe you! 
scout: (n) person who looks for unknown talented people    星探、伯樂 Phoebe was discovered by a talent scout who heard her sing at a coffeehouse. 
sit on (sth): to have sth., but not be using it yet  坐擁 He looks like a poor farmer, but I bet there’s oil on his land. He’s sitting on a gold mine and doesn’t even know it! 
check (sb) out: (n) check and see if sb is who he says he is, verify sb.’s claims about himself   查證、證實  The company phoned the applicant’s former employers to check her out before offering her the job. 
GI: (n) army supplies (called “government issue” because they were supplied by the government    官方補給的 ; “GI” also came to refer to each soldier as they too were supplied t