Dr Kathy Weston's Get a Grip! Parenting Podcast

Dr Kathy Weston's Get a Grip! Parenting Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 21 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Bhavin Shah: Introduction to Behavioural Optometry
November 25, 2019

In this episode Dr Kathy Weston speaks to Bhavin Shah about behavioural optometry and how assessment and intervention can help learning and performance.

Episode 20 - Dr Kathy Weston - Thoughts on Grief.
November 12, 2019

Episode 20 - Dr Kathy Weston - Thoughts on Grief. Here are Kathy's thoughts on Grief and Loss and how to best support children and young people in these circumstances.

Episode 19 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Professor Sarah Halligan: Childhood trauma and the development of PTSD in children.
September 19, 2019

In this episode, Kathy talks to Professor Sarah Halligan about childhood trauma and the development of PTSD in children.

Episode 18 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Cameron Norsworthy: Flow
September 19, 2019

In this episode, Kathy speaks to Cameron Norsworthy about Flow and talks about it in relation to raising and teaching children.  Cameron, father of two children ages 2 and 5, shares his thinking on how to help children experience Flow and the benefit

Episode 17 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Professor Tasmin Ford: How to improve Young People's Mental Health
August 12, 2019

In this Episode Kathy talks to Professor Tamsin Ford about her latest research exploring how parents, teachers and young people can work together to improve young people’s mental health.   

Episode 16 - Dr Kathy Weston on BBC Radio 4 with Mariella Frostup: Generation Anxious
July 18, 2019

Recently, Kathy was invited as part of a panel to join Mariella Frostup for a discussion about childhood anxiety. Some interesting contributions from the other guests too. Jane Caro is the Head of the Mental Health Foundation, Rob Gill, author of Rethinki

Episode 15 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Dr Anna Colton: Body Image, Eating Disorders, Self-Esteem and Performance Anxiety
July 17, 2019

 Dr Kathy Weston talks with Dr Anna Colton.  Dr Anna Colton is a London-based clinical psychologist with an interest in areas such as body image, eating disorders, self-esteem and performance anxiety. Dr Weston and Dr Colton cover a wide range o

Episode 14 - Dr Kathy Weston - Thought for the Day: 5 Top Tips on Transition
July 12, 2019

 Transition can be an anxiety-inducing time for children and parents, but it really doesn't have to be. Listen to Dr Weston's top five tips for parents - designed to ensure successful transition from primary to secondary school. 

Episode 13 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Dr Thomas Curran: Perfectionism in young people
July 12, 2019

Tune into this podcast interview with one of the top researchers in the country in the area of perfectionism: Dr Thomas Curran. Perfectionism in rising in young people; we need to understand why and get a grip on it as early as possible. 

Episode 12 - Dr Kathy Weston talks with Professor Kathryn Almack: Same Sex Parenting
June 13, 2019

In this episode, Kathy talks to Professor Kathryn Almack about the challenges that same sex parents (particularly lesbians) face on their parenting journeys