Dr Kathy Weston's Get a Grip! Parenting Podcast

Dr Kathy Weston's Get a Grip! Parenting Podcast

Latest Episodes

Dr Weston Talks with Professor Helen Dodd: The Importance of Play
December 01, 2020

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks to Professor Helen Dodd about the crucial importance of play in children's development. The examine the relationship between adventurous play and anxiety and discuss how parents can facilitate effective play. As a leading

Episode 46 - Dr Weston Talks with Dr Jeffrey DeMarco: Parenting in the Digital Age, Radicalisation and Sexual Exploitation
November 26, 2020

In this episode, Dr Weston talks to Dr Jeffrey DeMarco about how we should engage with our children about the online world. They discuss the importance of teaching skills such as digital literacy, fact-checking and critical thinking, to ensure that childr

Episode 45 - Dr Weston Talks with Professor Siobhan O'Neill: Children's Mental Health in Northern Ireland
November 25, 2020

In this episode, Dr Weston talks to Professor Siobhan O'Neill about her research into mental health in Northern Ireland. They explore issues relating to trans-generational trauma, suicide and self-harm, as well as discussing all the simple and effective t

Episode 44 - Dr Weston Talks with Dr Hope Christie: Parenting with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
November 17, 2020

In this episode, Dr Weston talks to Dr Hope Christie about her research into the impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on parents, and the ways in which experiences of trauma affect their parenting and the wider family dynamic. The message is on

Episode 43 - Dr Weston Talks with Dr Elena Martellozzo: Young People, Pornography and Online Safety
November 16, 2020

In this episode, Dr Weston talks to criminologist, Dr Elena Martellozzo, about her research into young people's feelings about, and experiences of, online pornography. They discuss how parents should approach conversations with their children about pornog

Episode 42 - Dr Kathy Weston Talks with Professor Susan Golombok: Non-Traditional Family Forms
November 06, 2020

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks to Professor Susan Golombok about non-traditional family forms. They discuss the research evidence showing that children from families with same-sex parents, single mothers by choice and families created by assisted reprod

Episode 41 - 10 Common Mistakes Loving Parents Make
October 27, 2020

All parents want the best for their children, but it's easy to fall into behaviour traps that will actually hinder them, rather than help. Listen to Dr Weston's top 10 common parenting mistakes to avoid!

Episode 40 - Wednesday Wisdom: Learned Happiness
October 26, 2020

Episode 40 - In this episode, hear Dr Kathy Weston's thoughts about happiness and how, far from being simple to achieve, it takes hard work and effort!

Episode 39 - Dr Weston Talks with Adrienne Burgess: The Impact of Fathers and Engaging with Fathers at School
September 15, 2020

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks to Adrienne Burgess, joint Chief Executive of The Fatherhood Institute, about the impact of fathers on their children. They discuss how fathers' mental and physical health has direct consequences for their children, the im

Episode 38 - Dr Weston Talks with Professor Neil Mercer: Oracy and the Power of Speaking Well in School and at Home
September 15, 2020

In this podcast, Dr Weston talks to Professor Neil Mercer about the importance of oracy. They discuss how parents can have a huge impact on developing and cultivating children's talking and listening skills through simple family conversations at home. &nb