Dr. Crow's Bird Show

Episode Seven: Quetzals
Shimmering like living jewels, Quetzals are one of the most stunningly-plumed bird species on the planet. On today’s episode, we learn about the life and legends surrounding these magnificent creatures. Uncover the mystery as to why the Quetzal no longer chooses to sing. Discover the link between Quetzals and the people of Guatemala. And check out this episode’s co-host, Skittles the Green-Cheeked Conure, as she does her best Quetzal impression.
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Flocking News article — Indigenous Women’s Agro-Ecology is Healing Guatemala’s Landscape
Co-Host: Skittles the Green-Cheeked Conure
Logo Artwork: Teal Michaels
Music: The Deviants
Have ideas for the show? Send them to crowbirdshow@gmail.com
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