Dr. Crow's Bird Show

Episode Six: Easter Eggs
We all know the eggspression: What came first, the Chicken or the Egg? On today’s Bird Show, Dr. Crow and Co-host Charlene are joined by Egg-Truth.com’s Nigel Osborne to discuss the origins of the Easter Egg. (Egg-rolling contest, anyone?) Then we’ll swoop in for a deeper look at backyard flocks and the industrial egg industry and what it all means for the modern Chicken. Finally, we’ll share some Easter craft ideas with the potential to become new fun, family traditions.
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Flocking News article — https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/28/style/chicken-eggs-coronavirus.html
The History of the Hunt: How an Easter Tradition was Hatched by Dr. Andrew Hann — http://blog.english-heritage.org.uk/the-history-of-the-egg-hunt/
Ideas for Eggless Easter Traditions:
Free coloring book from Happily Ever Esther
Special Guest: Nigel Osborne, founder of www.Egg-Truth.com
Co-Host: Charlene the Buff Orpington Chicken
Logo Artwork: Teal Michaels
Music: The Deviants
Have ideas for the show? Send them to crowbirdshow@gmail.com
To support the Bird Show, visit The Kerulos Center for Nonviolence at www.Kerulos.org