Dr. Crow's Bird Show

Latest Episodes
Episode Twelve: Bird Psyches
This weeks bonus-length episode marks the culmination of our first season of the Bird Show, and we chose a topic worthy of this special occasion: Bird Psyches. Weve seen throughout the Bird Show ho
Episode Eleven: Sun Conures
On todays episode, were shining a light on Sun Conures (also known as Sun Parakeets), a charismatic species whose feathers are as bright as their personalities. Through the eyes of co-host Gir, we
Episode Ten: Bird Senses
Birds are known for their acute vision and sense of hearing, but what about their other senses? For instance, did you know that Parrots have more taste buds than the average bird? And that its not ne
Episode Nine: Bowerbirds
Meet one of Natures greatest artists: The Bowerbird. Bowerbirds are known for their intricate courtship displays, which include seductive dances and next-level interior design skills. Discover what
Episode Eight: Top 15 Birds
Its a special week here at the Bird Show as we celebrate Emilys 15th birthday with a list of her Top 15 Birds. From the glaciers of Antarctica to the forests of New Zealand, join us for a whirlwind
Episode Eight: Top 15 Birds
It’s a special week here at the Bird Show as we celebrate Emily’s 15th birthday with a list of her Top 15 Birds. From the glaciers of Antarctica to the forests of New Zealand, join us for a whirlwind tour of our favorite birds throughout the world.
Episode Seven: Quetzals
Shimmering like living jewels, Quetzals are one of the most stunningly-plumed bird species on the planet. On todays episode, we learn about the life and legends surrounding these magnificent creature
Episode Six: Easter Eggs
We all know the eggspression: What came first, the Chicken or the Egg? On todays Bird Show, Dr. Crow and Co-host Charlene are joined by Egg-Truth.coms Nigel Osborne to discuss the origins of the Ea
Episode Five: Blue and Gold Macaws
Take a bird break to learn about Blue and Gold Macaws. Co-host Luca the Macaw joins the conversation and reveals not only his sense of humor, but also some of the struggles he faces as a Macaw in cap
Episode Four: Wild Turkeys
In these tough times, distract yourself by talking Turkey! This week, co-host Chipmunk the Chicken and special guest Lauren Bailey join the flock to gobble up some facts and stories about Wild Turkeys, the genetic ancestors to the domesticated Turkeys ...