Doubt The Doubts | Crazy Cool People Sharing Great Tips, Tactics, & Tools

Doubt The Doubts | Crazy Cool People Sharing Great Tips, Tactics, & Tools

Latest Episodes

0055 Jay Baer | Convince and Convert
September 16, 2013

Jay Baer is an author, entrepreneur, and genius!

0054 Al Lee | Perfect Breathing Guru
September 15, 2013

Al Lee demonstrates how breathing properly can change your life.

0053 Mike Fisher | Storymix Media
September 14, 2013

Mike Fisher created crowdsourcing software that creates custom media for your social events.

0052 Amos Pizzey | TallentHouse
September 13, 2013

Amos Pizzey was 14 when he was signed up as a backup singer to Boy George. Now he helps other artists find their dream.

0051 Daniel Miller | Gold Quill
September 12, 2013

Daniel Miller sold a million books when the rest of the world is going electronic.

0050 Mignon Fogarty | The Grammar Girl
September 10, 2013

Mignon Fogarty is The Grammar Girl and she is now on Doubt the Doubts for Episode 50!!!

0049 Wayne Sutton | PitchTo Inc
September 10, 2013

Wayne Sutton is helping the next generation of founders

0048 Shradha Agarwal | ContextMedia
September 09, 2013

Shradha Agarwal started in business at 9 years old.

0047 Scott Smith | Motivation to Move
September 08, 2013

Scott Smith went from shock jock to motivational talk. 10Million downloads of his podcast!!!

0046 Chris Erickson | Parliament
September 07, 2013

Chris Erickson rose to great success and fell and is rising again.