Dork Trek

Dork Trek

Latest Episodes

Dork Trek Episode 103 -- The Game
August 22, 2012

Great Wesley is back but it's okay because the crew is addicted to playing pong so they can ignore him all they want.

Dork Trek Episode 102 -- Disaster
August 18, 2012

Troi is in charge. See episode title.

Dork Trek Episode 101 -- The Rape That Got Away
August 15, 2012

Riker is totally macking on this lady who's gonna help colonize this planet and just before she can say no means no something from space attacks the colonists. Luckily Riker, Data, Crusher and a few other colonists survive the attack.

Dork Trek Episode 100 -- Ensign Ro
August 11, 2012

Today we meet ensign Ro.

Dork Trek Episode 99 -- When the Walls Fell
August 08, 2012

Piccard and weird alien thing fight the predator.

Dork Trek Episode 98 -- Redemption Part 2
August 04, 2012

The lesser of the two redemptions. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

Dork Trek Episode 97 -- Redemption Part 1
August 01, 2012

Warf enters the Klingon civil war.

Dork Trek Episode 96 -- Robo Sex Machine
July 21, 2012

Data gets molested by some crewmember who may be a nutjob meanwhile Geordie couldn't get laid in a whore house.

Dork Trek Episode 95 -- Manchurian Jordie
July 18, 2012

Jordie is used by the Romulans for assassination.