The Doofus Dad Podcast

The Doofus Dad Podcast

Latest Episodes

April 15, 2020

Teenaged daughters are volatile creatures, much like a wolverine or, perhaps, a honey badger. If a well-meaning dad simply makes eye contact with his teenaged daughter for too long, he may lose a nose or ear. Here is what I recommend,

006: My Top 11 Things Every First-Time Dad Should Know
April 08, 2020

Unfortunately, babies don't come with an instruction manual, and ask my wife — I'm an instruction manual guy. Sure, there are a zillion parenting books out there, but theory and practice are two entirely different things,

005 — Critter Chronicles: The Lowly ‘Possum
April 01, 2020

Critter Chronicles is my "mockumentary" about the wildlife around my home in Tennessee. If you enjoy wildlife and think "This is Spinal Tap" is the greatest movie ever, you'll like this. I think. Maybe not. Who knows...? Anyway,

004 – The Incredibly Weird Tooth Fairy
March 25, 2020

Somebody was seriously impaired or, at best, exercised poor judgement when they invented the Tooth Fairy. How this custom ever caught on is beyond me. Cash money for old, used teeth??  The heck?

002 – My Top 10 awkward pre-school moments for dads
March 18, 2020

Let's face it: the preschool environment is naturally awkward for fathers. I don't know why, but it is. Fatherhood is a series of trials by fire, and the preschool thing is one of the biggies, with its difficult key-pad entry systems, uncomfortably hot te

PODCAST VERSION: Doofus Dad’s Top 9 Handy & Useful Tricks for Dealing with the Coronavirus
March 13, 2020

This is an unscheduled, emergency episode of The Doofus Dad Podcast. In light of all the madness happening around us, I felt it was important to lighten the mood, if only a little.

001 – My Top 10 Dad Tips for Incoming College Freshmen
March 11, 2020

This episode is essentially a "cheat sheet" I created for my son, Sam, as he entered his freshman year of college at the University of Tennessee at Martin. However, none of these tips are specific to Sam. Feel free to force your own eye-rolling college fr

The Podcast Intro: How I Became a Doofus Dad – 000
March 09, 2020

In this introduction, I attempt to explain my self-deprecating moniker. It's simply a combination of a wacky genetics and the cultural trend of dads as doofuses.

Doofus Dad Podcast trailer
March 08, 2020

Simple. It's the trailer to my new podcast. Click the "play" button and you'll see ... I mean, hear.

My Top 10 Christmas Traditions, including Rudolph’s PJ Delivery
December 15, 2016

Christmas is my favorite time of year for a variety of reasons. I love the music, the TV shows and movies, the general feeling of good will, and all that other gooey stuff. However, it may be the family traditions surrounding Christmas that make it so ...