The Doofus Dad Podcast

The Doofus Dad Podcast

Latest Episodes

027: My Top 12 Reasons Why I Hate CrossFit, Version 2.0
September 02, 2020

This is the podcast version of my most popular blog post to date, written seven years ago this month. I've updated it to reflect my current situation, but all the good stuff is still there. If you either love CrossFit, love to make fun of CrossFit,

026: My Top 10 Areas Where American Common Sense has Gone AWOL
August 26, 2020

The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines common sense as, quote, “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts” unquote. OK. That’s pretty good but let me amend that with an even simpler definition: Common sense means ...

025: My Top 6 Reasons Why Sending Your Kid to College is Weird and Unsettling
August 19, 2020

Of the many milestones in the life of a parent, sending your kid to college ranks high in terms of both pride and angst. In other words, it will freak you the hell out. Here are my top 6 reasons why.

024: 11 awesome reasons why you should embark on an adventure travel trip as soon as possible
August 12, 2020

I wrote the following blog in 2019, back before traveling anywhere further away than your mailbox wasn’t viewed as high-risk activity, and the inside of an airplane wasn’t viewed as the setting of a horror movie where everybody gets eaten by giant bugs.

023: The Year 2020 so far
August 05, 2020

The year 2020 has been an epic disaster and it is still going. It will probably be a year that will live in infamy for the rest of our lives. But there has been some stuff good, too, and even some funny stuff.

022: Find your carnival ride
July 29, 2020

Carnivals, fairs, and amusement parks are some of the more interesting and enigmatic curiosities devised by the human brain. What do we do? We go through the grueling process of loading up young kids with all their various accouterments for the 30 to 4...

021: The Whip-poor-will Story
July 22, 2020

This is the podcast version of a story I've been telling for the past 39 years and counting. It happened to me at the foot of "Booger Mountain," a small peak located in the foothills of Western North Carolina, near Taylorsville.

020: The Top 10 Movie Moments That Make This Tough Guy Weep
July 15, 2020

I'll admit it. The older I get, the more weepy at movies I get, and you may be surprised at some of the ones that get me the most. I bet they get you, too, Big Tough Dad. If I touch a nerve, you've gotta let me know in the comments...

019: Bigfooters — Don’t Stop Believin’!
July 08, 2020

Bigfoot believers are eternal optimists in a cynical world. We like to believe in unbelievable things's fun. And life is too short.

018: The Top 10 things I’m offended, shocked, and/or outraged by 2.0
July 01, 2020

It seems that the way we're supposed to live in the 21st century is in a perpetual state of offense, shock, and outrage. So here are my pet peeves, mister!