Donuts and Devos

Donuts and Devos

Latest Episodes

Moses Runs Away | Ep. 047
April 21, 2021

God’s appointed leader of the Israelites, Moses, fled into the wilderness after killing an Egyptian man. He was being prepared by God to step in and deliver His people the Israelites from Egypt, from their slavery, and from their groaning.

Moses Is Born | Ep. 046
April 14, 2021

God's people were trapped in slavery by the Egyptians. Pharaoh had commanded the Egyptians to kill all the Hebrew baby boys, so God’s people started hiding their newborn babies to keep them safe. One mother carefully wove a basket for her son and sent ...

What’s Happening in Egypt? | Ep. 045
April 07, 2021

In the beginning of Exodus, we have a new king in Egypt. It’s many years later after Joseph’s death, and this new Pharaoh didn’t know about Joseph. He forgot about what Joseph had done for Egypt. And the Israelites increased in number They got to be so...

God Brings Peace In Egypt | Ep. 044
March 10, 2021

We have made it all the way through our Journey through Genesis. Joseph's family is now settled in the land of Goshen and Israel is nearing the end of his life. He blesses his sons, as well as Joseph's two eldest sons.

Joseph Takes Care of His Family | Ep. 043
March 03, 2021

Joseph is reunited with his brothers after many years apart. He sends his brothers back to Canaan to bring back his father and the rest of their family. The famine is so bad that Joseph will now take care of his family in Goshen,

Joseph Tests His Brothers | Ep. 042
February 24, 2021

Joseph's brothers came to Egypt during the second year of the predicted famine for grain. They didn't recognize Joseph, and Joseph decided to test his brothers to see if they had changed hearts from when he last saw them.

Joseph and The Dreamers | Ep. 041
February 17, 2021

Joseph remained faithful to God, despite all the hardships he faced in Egypt. Things looked pretty bleak for him, getting thrown into prison and all, but God never left him. God worked through Joseph to be able to interpret the dreams that He sent to t...

A Slave In Egypt: Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife | Ep. 040
February 10, 2021

Joseph is sold as a slave to Potiphar in Egypt, but God remains faithful and is with him. Joseph becomes successful in everything he does, and Potiphar sees this and puts his trustworthy servant in charge of almost everything in his household.

Joseph Is Sold Into Slavery | Ep. 039
February 03, 2021

Joseph's brothers despised and hated him. When the opportunity presented itself, they eagerly plotted to kill Joseph. They ended up throwing him into a pit, and then selling Joseph into slavery for 20 silver shekels.

Joseph and His Jealous Brothers | Ep. 038
January 27, 2021

Joseph and his jealous brothers didn't have the best of relationships! Their father Israel loved Joseph more than all of his other sons, and favored him above all the others. Joseph was a bit of an arrogant teenager,