Donuts and Devos

Donuts and Devos

God’s Blessing To His People | Ep. 069

January 12, 2022

We are back after the Christmas holidays and are continuing our journey with the Israelites after they escaped from Egypt by the power of God. God’s people have been camping out at Mt. Sinai. Moses has been receiving God’s Laws and ways for the people to live in their daily lives—the 10 commandments and the Levitical Law. And now they are finally getting ready to leave. But not before God speaks a blessing upon them.

"So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them."Numbers 6:27

Free Coloring Page

Kids can memorize their memory verse while listening to the podcast with our free coloring page originally designed by Jamie Truwe at Pure Joy Creative.

God's Blessing To His People Coloring Page Ep. 069

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