Donuts and Devos

Donuts and Devos

Moses Resists God’s Call | Ep. 049

May 05, 2021

Moses was struggling to accept what God wanted him to do, which was return to Egypt and set the Israelites free from their slavery. In this conversation with Moses through the burning bush, God used the signs of turning the staff into a snake and Moses’ hand to show Moses his power.

Our Bible reading is Exodus 4:1-17.

“Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”Exodus 4:12

Signs from God

God used signs in the Bible for various reasons. Sometimes signs were used to send a message or a warning, or in fulfillment of a promise. Only God Himself chose when He gave signs to His people. In our lives, we shouldn’t “ask” God to give us a “sign” to show us His will for us; His will is revealed through His Word, the Bible!

Kid's Resources

Our devotion has a coloring page and activity sheet that kids can fill out while listening to our devotion, or they can be used afterward for a family devotion time.

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